2021 Conference Presentations

The USDA working group works closely with communities and their organizations to shape research questions and co-create knowledge to transform food and agriculture systems. Below is a list of presentations – both academic and applied – where researchers and practitioners addressed agriculture of the middle issues.

Miller, Michelle. “Optimizing agricultural systems scale and structure to reduce climate change impacts”,  Special Session Symposium–the Role of Food Production in Climate Change: Finding New Ground. Tri-Societies International meeting (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America). November 9, 2020

Miller, Michelle. “The Power of Connectivity: Broadband Expansion in Rural Communities.” Foodtank / Refresh broadband panel. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/231-food-tech-panel-discussion-the-power-of/id1434128568?i=1000507544891 February 2, 2021

Miller, Michelle. “U.S. Food Flows: A Cold-Chain Network Analysis of Freight Movements to Inform Local and Regional Food Issues”, USDA-AMS-TSD workshop. February 16, 2017

Miller, Michelle. “U.S. Food Flows: A Cold-Chain Network Analysis of Freight Movements to Inform Local and Regional Food Issues”, Transportation Research Forum. April 7, 2021.

Miller, Michelle. “The Next Normal: Restructuring food supply chains”, third in a webinar series “COVID19 and the Food System: Understanding Impacts Exploring Solutions”, offered by the Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security at the University of Missouri. April 15, 2021

Miller, Michelle. “Impact of COVID-19 on food systems: international experiences of vulnerability and resilience”. The USA representative, along with representatives from Sweden, Philippines, Brazil and Mexico. Webinar sponsored by the Stockholm Resilience Center. August 27, 2021

Miller, Emily M., Mary Hendrickson and Philip H. Howard. “The Missouri School: Examining Power in the Agrifood System to Suggest Alternatives.” Presented at Big Ag & Antitrust: Competition Policy for a Sustainable and Humane Food System. Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. January 16, 2021.

Stevens, A. W. “Land Tenure and Profitability Among Young Farmers and Ranchers.” Presented at the 2021 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 3, 2021.

Stevens, A. W. “High Stakes: Managing Risk and Policy Uncertainty in the Market for CBD Food Products.” Presented at the 2021 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 2, 2021.

Feenstra, “Engaging actors from farm to fork: Sustainable, equitable food distribution,” organizer and speaker at this session of the Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit, March 26, 2021

Feenstra and Brodt, “Marketing and business management for organic farmers,” presentation with Sonja Brodt as part of the Introduction to Small Scale Organic Farming (for Inland Southern California Farmers), December 15, 2020 (zoom all day workshop)

Conner and Feenstra, “Critical success factors for Agritourism: Results of a national survey,” co-organizer and speaker at the Agriculture-Urban and Rural session at the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society Conference, June 9-15, 2021

Feenstra and Van Soelen Kim,“Farmers Market LIFE: Using participatory research to expand the customer base of farmers market shoppers – Focus group results,” co-organizer and speaker at the Full Access to Fresh, Green Markets session at the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society Conference, June 9-15, 2021

Feenstra, Van Soelen Kim and Leff, “Using participatory research to expand the customer base of farmers’ market shoppers,” with Julia Van Soelen Kim and Penny Leff, recorded presentation for the Urban Food Systems Symposium, live summaries and Q& A, October 28, 2020

Feenstra and Capps, “Conducting a food system assessment in Butte county,” presentation to the Butte County Food System group, with Shosha Capps, November 19, 2020

Feenstra and Capps, “Conducting a food system assessment in Sacramento County,” presentation to the Sacramento Food System Partnership Project, with Shosha Capps, October 29, 2020

Tanaka, Keiko. 2021. “Leveraging Our Expertise to Support Sustainable Solutions,” a panel organized at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association (Virtual), February 2021.

Brinkley, C. Food Banks and Local Food Networks, American Sociological Association (ASA), online-due to COVID-19, August, 2020

Fitzsimmons, J.A.; Peterson, H. H., Lavoie, N.L., Lass, D., King, R.. Farmers’ Preferences for Market Channels. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 8/1/2021        

Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. How Did COVID-19 Impact Origin-Identified Food Preferences? Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting, 6/15/2021

Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. Improving Access and Motivation for Small and Medium Processors in the Northeast to be in Compliance with FSMA’s PC Rule. USDA FSOP Roundtable, 2/4/2021            

Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K., Wormald, C.W. Improving Access and Motivation for Small and Medium Processors in the Northeast to be in Compliance with FSMA’s PC Rule. Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety, 2/16/2021

Wormald, C.W., Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. Improving Preventive Controls Prerequisite Education Programs to Address Food Safety Knowledge Gaps for Small and Medium Sized Food Processors. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, 7/19/2021

Wormald, C.W., Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. Improving Preventive Controls Prerequisite Education Programs to Address Food Safety Knowledge Gaps for Small and Medium Sized Food Processors”. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. 7/18/2021

Invited Presentations to Community Groups, Students and Stakeholders:

Miller, Michelle. “Optimizing food systems”, PLATO. October 28, 2021

Howard, Philip H. “Concentration and Power in the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat?” Keynote at Organic World Congress. Rennes, France. September 8, 2021.

Howard, Philip H. “Focus Tour: Seed Diversity.” Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University. March 24, 2021.

Stevens, A. W. “Contemporary Food Policy,” lecture for Wither the State, Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO). April 20, 2021.

Feenstra, Leff, “Home Cooks Convening,” Oversaw and helped facilitate this 2-day zoom convening for micro-enterprise home cook operations. October 20-21, 2020.

Brinkley, C. Keynote for the University of Pennsylvania ‘Farm of the Future’ symposium, September, 2020, https://vimeo.com/467473880

Brinkley, C. Dr. “Food Shortages in a Pandemic” Robert mondavi Institute Savor Lecture series. May, 2020 https://savor.ucdavis.edu/savor-food-shortages-pandemic