A regional imperative: the case for regional food systems
Katherine Ruhf and Kate Clancy recently released an extensive report that explores the concepts, practices, challenges, and promise of regional food systems. The report’s focus is on the Northeast U.S., a laboratory for regional food systems thinking and action, but it also describes and gives examples of regional food systems development across the country. The […]
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Policy Workshops and Webinars
The policy objective of the Agriculture of the Middle project is to build the capacity of project members to investigate, address, and communicate policy issues surrounding mid-scale supply chains. Research Briefing for National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition May 31, 2018 We organized a research briefing, delivered as a webinar, for NSAC leadership to hear from NC1198 […]
Why and How to Include Policy in Ag of the Middle Research
Over the years, NC 1198 members have identified and articulated many issues facing Ag of the Middle producers and their supply chain partners. We all understand that public policy plays a role in the issues, opportunities and impacts on the Ag of the Middle sector. Explicitly addressing policy issues in straightforward ways can enrich our […]
Agriculture of the Middle entry from the Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics
In Thompson, PB and DM Kaplan, editors. 2014. Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht, Netherlands. This entry focuses on ethical issues associated with the decline and potential renewal of mid‐sized farms and ranches in the U.S. The “disappearing middle” was first identified in the 1980s. Contemporary attention to the dynamics of […]
A Priority Research Agenda for Agriculture of the Middle
Agriculture of the Middle is an initiative addressing the problem of the disproportionate disappearance of midsize farms and ranches in the US, and the markets and infrastructure needed to maintain their viability. From the beginning, the initiative identified research as a critical component. Information is lacking on new models that would enable farmers and other […]
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Why Worry About the Agriculture of the Middle?
A White Paper for the Agriculture of the Middle Project During the past several decades, the American food system has increasingly followed two new structural paths. On one hand, small-scale farm and food enterprises in many regions have thrived by adapting to successful direct markets which enabled them to sell their production directly to consumers. […]
Filed Under: Background Reading