2023 Publications
Objective 1 – Examine the social, physical, and governance structures of values-based food supply chains (VBSCs) and the internal and external constraints on their ability to preserve values along the supply chain. Objective 2 – Investigate the effects of systemic disruptions (i.e., COVID, climate change) on mid-scale food supply chain resilience, including on social equity […]
Filed Under: Food Hubs Map, Guides for Producers and Extension Educators, Publications, Research, Resources, Uncategorized
2022 Publications
Anderson, M., Hoey, L. Hurst, P., Miller, M., Montenegro, M. (2022) INFAS Commentary: Debrief on the United Nations Food Systems Summit. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2022.112.008 Bardenhagen, C.J., Howard, P.H. & Molière’s-Petit, M-O. (2021). France’s Organismal de Défense et de Gestation: A Model for Farmer Collective Action Through Standard Development and […]
Filed Under: Guides for Producers and Extension Educators, Publications, Research, Resources, Uncategorized
2021 Extension and Outreach Publications
Hill, A., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Documenting selected potential impacts to CO farmers and ranchers of SB21-08 7 Agricultural Workers’ Rights. Policy Brief. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/research-impacts/agricultural-labor/ Gill, M., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Impact of Time Restriction Changes on Market Choices and Food Security. Local Food Systems Response to COVID: Consumer Food Insights. https://lfscovid.localfoodeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/422/2020/12/LFS-CFI-03.pdf Hill, A., and B.R. […]
Filed Under: Guides for Producers and Extension Educators, Participatory Action, Publications, Resources, Uncategorized
Milk with Dignity: Worker-centered organizing for social responsibility
Organizing food supply chain partners is a high-leverage way to meet the needs of everyone in the food supply chain—farm workers, farmers, processors and retailers. This case tells the story of a successful effort to align the milk supply chain for Ben & Jerry’s ice cream, owned by food giant Unilever. This case is part […]
Benefits: How Can Sourcing Directly from Farmers Benefit Specialty Food Manufacturers?
Sourcing directly from farmers can have both benefits and challenges for manufacturers. So what tips the scales? What are the advantages that outweigh the challenges, and how can you, as a farmer, use this to your advantage? Here we address six categories of benefits: communication, interdependence, marketing advantages, transparency, value alignment, and simple economics. Beyond […]
Criteria: What Criteria Must You Meet to Sell to Specialty Food Manufacturers?
When considering alternative outlets for your products, supplying specialty food manufacturers may be an attractive option. Knowing what to expect when working with specialty food manufacturers will help you determine if it is the right fit for you and what changes you might need to make. This fact sheet highlights common requirements/criteria that specialty food […]
Connections: How Can Farmers and Specialty Food Manufacturers Connect?
Many specialty food manufacturers are sourcing ingredients from small and mid-sized farms. But how do manufacturers and farms find each other and how are the matches made? What can manufacturers and farmers do to make and maintain a good relationship? This fact sheet provides you with insights and recommendations. Beyond Fresh and Direct fact sheets […]
Standards: What Standards Must You Meet to Supply Ingredients to Specialty Food Manufacturers?
While quality is a high priority for food manufacturers when sourcing ingredients, it is often not enough. Ingredient quality assurance is almost always required by specialty food manufacturers. If you want to expand your market options, it may be worth investigating certifications for your farm. Beyond Fresh and Direct fact sheets are part of a […]
Value Added: Should You Produce Your Own Specialty Food Products?
This fact sheet provides information for you to consider in assessing whether to add value to your farm products and, if this makes sense, tips on how to develop a successful vertically integrated business. Beyond Fresh and Direct fact sheets are part of a project exploring the opportunities and challenges small and medium-size farms encounter […]