2024 Research

Objective 1-Market Structure

  • A Haynes Stein, C Brinkley. Farm to Food Bank: Exploring the Ties between Local Food Producers and Charitable Food Assistance☆ Rural Sociology 88 (3), 682-707
  • J Fuchs-Chesney, S Raj, T Daruwalla, C Brinkley. All roads lead to the farmers market?: using network analysis to measure the orientation and central actors in a community food system through a case comparison of Yolo and … Agriculture and Human values 40 (1), 157-173
  • Gerhart, Jennifer Anne, and Philip H. Howard. 2023. Assessing the profitability of scaling up for retail access: Lessons from local salad mix in Southeast Michigan. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development 12(4), 1-18. https://www.foodsystemsjournal.org/index.php/fsj/article/view/1173
  • Ashwood, Loka and Phil Howard. 2023. Sorting out ownership questions – the ultimately unclear beneficiaries of power in industrial agriculture. Institutional Landscapes. February 18. http://institutionallandscapes.org/contribution/5-sorting-out-ownership-questions-the-ultimately-unclear-beneficiaries-of-power-in-industrial-agriculture/
  • Worosz, M.R. and M. Dupuis. 2024. Farming with a mission: The case of nonprofit farms. Agriculture and Human Values. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-024-10588-x).
  • Stevens, A. W., J. Teal, C. D. Court, G. DiGiacomo, M. Miller, & H. H. Peterson (forthcoming). Predicting Firm Diversification in Agri-Food Value Chains. Journal of Food Distribution Research.
  • Miller, M., Hirsch, R., Chang, J., Shi, J., Long, D. (in review) “Transportation Issues Affecting Fresh Food Distribution: A Comparison Study of Urban vs Rural United States”. Transportation Research.
  • Miller, M. (2024) Foodsheds and Regional Food Systems. In: Abraham, Martin A. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Sustainable Technologies, 2nd Edition, vol. 2, pp. 613–622. Oxford: Elsevier. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-90386-8.00083-08
  • Claire Lamine (INRAE), Eric Sabourin (CIRAD), Fabienne Barataud (INRAE), Tara Wight (LWA), Terry Marsden (Cardiff Un.), Paulo Niederle (UFRGS), Claudia Schmitt (UFRRJ), Adanella Rossi (Pisa Un.), Patrizia Pugliese (CIHEAM Bari), Sarah Loyd (CIAS UW-Madison), Michelle Miller (CIAS UW-Madison), Danièle Magda (INRAE) (forthcoming) “Supporting agroecological transitions in food systems: insights from a comparison of agrifood policies’ trajectories in 5 countries”, Agriculturas
  • Neidecker (MS student), A. Bruce (Chair), H. Darby, M. Hoffman, M. Miller, and T. Safford (Committee Members). From Seed to Sourdough and Barley to Beer: Understanding structure, partnership strategies, and governance mechanisms in three Northeast grain value chains.  

 Objective 2 – Resilience

  • Ingram, Mrill. 2023. “Building Cover Crop Expertise with Citizen Science: Supporting farmer innovation in a time of change.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, Section Agroecology and Ecosystem Services Volume 7 – 2023 | doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2023.1045769
  • C Brinkley, S Raj, S Raja. Planning for FEWsheds: the role of planning in integrating and strengthening food, energy and water systems. Journal of Planning Literature 38 (1), 33-58
  • Welsh, R., Amy K. Bentley, Lawrence Lam, Stefan Grimberg and Shane Rogers. 2024. “Anaerobic Digester Technology for Small-to-Moderate-Sized Dairy Farms: Constraints and Solutions.” In Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Elsevier Inc.
  • Stevens, A. W. & J. Teal (2024). Diversification and resilience of firms in the agrifood supply chain. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 106(2), 739–778.
  • Laura Vang Rasmussen, Ingo Grass, Zia Mehrabi, Olivia M Smith, Rachel Bezner-Kerr, Jennifer Blesh, Lucas Alejandro Garibaldi, Marney E Isaac, Christina M Kennedy, Hannah Wittman, Péter Batáry, Damayanti Buchori, Rolando Cerda, Julián Chará, David W Crowder, Kevin Darras, Kathryn DeMaster, Karina Garcia, Manuel Gómez, David Gonthier, Aidee Guzman, Purnama Hidayat, Juliana Hipólito, Mark Hirons, Lesli Hoey, Dana James, Innocensia John, Andrew D Jones, Daniel S Karp, Yodit Kebede, Carmen Bezner Kerr, Susanna Klassen, Martyna Kotowska, Holger Kreft, Ramiro Llanque, Christian Levers, Diego J Lizcano, Adrian Lu, Sidney Madsen, Rosebelly Nunes Marques, Pedro Buss Martins, America Melo, Hanson Nyantakyi-Frimpong, Elissa M Olimpi, Jeb P Owen, Heiber Pantevez, Matin Qaim, Sarah Redlich, Christoph Scherber, Amber R Sciligo, Sieglinde Snapp, William E Snyder, Ingolf Steffan-Dewenter, Anne Elise Stratton, Joseph M Taylor, Teja Tscharntke, Vivian Valencia, Cassandra Vogel, Claire Kremen. “Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture,” 2024, Science, Volume 384, Issue 6691. 
  • Miller, M., Konar, M., Peterson, H., Court, C., Shakya, S., Stevens, A. (in review) “Measuring Food Supply Network Resilience: Centrality in perishable food distribution networks in the United States”. Environmental Research: Food Systems, Special Issue: Focus on Trade and Food Systems
  • Miller, M., Konar, M. (2024). “U.S. Food Flows: A Coldchain Network Analysis of Freight Movements to Inform Local and Regional Food Issues”. A report prepared for the United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, Transportation Services Division. https://doi.org/10.21231/qfx4-4f67
  • Gwin, L., Miller, M., Lowe, E., Hoy, C., Cohen, N., Pirog, R, Tomich, T., Kelly, T.. “Resilience strategies for centers and institutes focused on food systems transformation”, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development.

Objective 3 – Policy

  • L Poirier, D Antonio, M Dettmann, T Eng, J Ganata, S Ghosh, M Lopez, C Brinkley …Making plans findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable with data infrastructure: A search engine for constructing, analyzing, and visualizing planning documents. Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 23998083241227471
  • Staples, A., Howard, P., Conner, D., Sirrine, J., Ostrom, M., & Miller, M. (2023). Apples to advocacy: Evaluating consumer preferences for hard cider policies. Journal of Wine Economics, 1-16. doi:10.1017/jwe.2023.29
  • Stevens, A. W., J. Teal, C. D. Court, G. DiGiacomo, M. Miller, & H. H. Peterson (forthcoming). Predicting Firm Diversification in Agri-Food Value Chains. Journal of Food Distribution Research.
  • Clark, L., Luistro, A., Ares, G., Miller, M., Baraibar, M., Ncwadi, M. (2024) “Global Action to End Hunger: Prospects for 2030”, Performance Research. https://doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2023.2363155