Objective 1 – Examine the social, physical, and governance structures of values-based food supply chains (VBSCs) and the internal and external constraints on their ability to preserve values along the supply chain.
- Lloyd, S., Miller, M., (CIAS UW-Madison). “Supporting agroecological transitions in food systems: insights from a comparison of agrifood policies’ trajectories in 5 countries,”
- Howard, P.H., Conner, D.S., Ostrom, M.R., Miller, “Apples to Advocacy: Evaluating Consumer Preferences for Hard Cider Policies,” Journal of Wine Economics.
- Gwin, L., Miller, M., Lowe, E., Hoy, C., Cohen, N., Pirog, R, Tomich, T., Kelly, T. “Resilience strategies for centers and institutes focused on food systems transformation,” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development(in review).
- Haedicke, Michael A. “Organic as Civic Engagement Revisited: Civic Codes, Deliberative Practices, and the Debate about Hydroponic Certification.” Agriculture and Human Values.
- Conway, T. and Teller, A. Care methodologies to evaluate and advance just perennial transitions in agriculture (Kernza case study); related: Towards a practical theory for commercializing novel continuous living cover crops: a conceptual review through the lens of Kernza perennial grain, 2019–2022. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
- Haynes Stein, A., & Brinkley, C. (2023). Farm to Food Bank: Exploring the Ties between Local Food Producers and Charitable Food Assistance. Rural Sociology.
- Fuchs-Chesney, J., Raj, S., Daruwalla, T., & Brinkley, C. (2023). All roads lead to the farmers market?: using network analysis to measure the orientation and central actors in a community food system through a case comparison of Yolo and Sacramento County, California. Agriculture and Human Values, 40(1), 157-173.
- Melo-Velasco, Jenny and Mary Hendrickson. (Forthcoming.) “The digital agriculture revolution: What to consider to make it work for small or marginalized farmers?” Proceedings of the National Conference on Next-Generation Sustainable Technologies for Small-Scale Producers. Atlantis Press, a division of Springer Nature.
- Adalja, A. * and Baur, P., * M. Weidman, E.M. Olimpi, and D.L. Weller. In press. Preharvest food safety and conservation challenges facing US produce growers: Results from a national survey. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems.
- Jeffrey Liebert, Rebecca Benner, Rachel Bezner Kerr, Thomas Björkman, Sasha Gennet, Miguel I. Gómez, Abigail K. Hart, Claire Kremen, Alison Power, Matthew R. Ryan, Kathryn Teigen De Master. “Farm size affects the use of agroecological practices on organic farms in the United States” 2022. Nature Plants, Vol 8, Issue 8.
- Neidecker (MS student), A. Bruce (Chair), H. Darby, M. Hoffman, M. Miller, and T. Safford (Committee Members). From Seed to Sourdough and Barley to Beer: Understanding structure, partnership strategies, and governance mechanisms in three Northeast grain value chains.
Objective 2 – Investigate the effects of systemic disruptions (i.e., COVID, climate change) on mid-scale food supply chain resilience, including on social equity (marginalized populations, racial equity) and environmental justice.
- Stevens, A., Teal, J. 2023. “Diversification and resilience of firms in the agrifood supply chain,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12398
- Stevens, A. “Predicting firm diversification in agri-food value chains” (Working Paper)
- Peterson, H.H., Miller, M., Stevens. (2023). “Impacts of COVID-19 on US agri-food supply chain businesses: Regional survey results”. PLOS ONE https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0281930
- Miller, M., Peterson, HH., Stevens, AW. (2023) “Pandemic Production: Impacts of COVID-19 on Florida’s fruit and vegetable industries.” Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization. https://doi.org/10.1515/jafio-2022-0025
- Raj, S., Brinkley, C., & Ulimwengu, J. (2022). Connected and extracted: Understanding how centrality in the global wheat supply chain affects global hunger using a network approach. Plos One, 17(6), e0269891.
- Brinkley, C., & Wagner, J. (2022). Who Is Planning for Environmental Justice—and How? Journal of the American Planning Association, 1-14.
- Ory, J., A. Iles, P. Baur, and F. Castillo. In press. Adapting to Pandemic Stresses: Experiences Among Central Coast Organic Farmers. California Agriculture.
- Cunningham, N., Conner, D. & Reynolds, T. (2023). Anchor Institutions and Food Resilience: A Multiple Streams Approach. International Journal of Food System Dynamics 14 (2), 2023, 134-145.
- Whitehouse, C., Conner, D., Chase, L., & Reynolds, T. (2023). The experience of Vermont local food businesses during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 12(2), 201–214. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2023.122.003
- Cunningham, N., Conner, D., Whitehouse, C., Blair, H., & Krueger, J. (2022). Beyond procurement: Anchor institutions and adaptations for resilience. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 11(3), 57–73. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2022.113.006
Objective 3 – Build the capacity of project members to collaboratively investigate, address, and communicate policy issues surrounding small and mid-scale producers and supply chains, considering commodity and information flows, and shared risks and benefits.
- Michelle Miller, Smart Foodsheds work with NSF ICICLE
- Tu, Y., Wang, X., Qui, R., Shen, HW, Miller, M., Rao, J., Gao, S., Huber, P., Hollander, A., Lange, M., Garcia, C., Stubbs, J. (2023). “An Interactive Knowledge and Learning Environment in Smart Foodsheds”. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications. DOI: 1109/MCG.2023.3263960
- Qu, Y, Rao, J., Gao, S., Zhang, W.C., Su, Y., Miller, M., Morales, A., Huber, P. (submitted). FLEE-GNN: A Federated Learning System for Edge-Enhanced Graph Neural Network in Analyzing Geospatial Resilience of Multicommodity Food Flows”, ACM SIGSpatial 2023
- Sarah Lloyd, Michelle Miller Grasslands 2.0 (participating in Policy Team for GL2.0, recent Frontiers paper by Policy lead, Rissman et al. 2023) Also state legislation at https://www.cleanwisconsin.org/clean-wisconsin-works-on-grazing-legislation/
- Pesci, S., & Brinkley, C. (2022). Can a Farm-to-Table restaurant bring about change in the food system?: A case study of Chez Panisse. Food, Culture & Society, 25(5), 997-1018.
- Brinkley, C., & Visser, M. A. (2022). Socioeconomic and environmental indicators for rural communities: Bridging the scholarly and practice gap. Economic Development Quarterly, 36(2), 75-91.
- Banginwar, A, Antonio, D, Lopez, M, Poirier, L, Ghosh, S, Dettmann, M, et al. General Plan Database Mapping Tool (v3.0). Zenodo. plansearch.caes.ucdavis.edu. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7508689
- Staples, A., Howard, P., Conner, D., Sirrine, J., Ostrom, M., Miller, M. (2023). Apples to advocacy: Evaluating consumer preferences for hard cider policies. Journal of Wine Economics, November, 1-16.https://doi.org/10.1017/jwe.2023.29